
Post-doctorate Project: Generation of spectral signatures for detection of pathologies in Eucalyptus crops - A study using UAVs

Post-doctorate Student: Adimara Bentivoglio Colturato

Project title: Generation of spectral signatures for detection of pathologies in Eucalyptus crops - A study using UAVs

Abstract: Eucalyptus has fast growth, high yield, wide diversity of species, is highly adaptable and is applied in different industrial processes for various purposes. There are large areas planted in Brazil, mainly in the Minas Gerais State, which has about 2% of its territory occupied by Eucalyptus. In this sense, forest crops in Brazil have an important role in the national and international scene. Considering  the importantance of the production of eucalyptus in the national scene, and the size occupied by planting their fields, as well as the possibility of a significant increase in its production, this project discusses the use of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) as a tool for efficient information retrieval whith low cost and quick detection of pathologies in eucalyptus crops. Particulary the proposed approach aims to link the usual way of mapping these diseases (through ground inspection of species) with the mapping obtained by aerial imagery. In this work are considered the tip drought, rust, Ceratocystis wilt and bronze bug pathologies, in order to generate a database of their spectral signatures. The spectral signatures produced can be used in the design of specific low cost multispectral sensors that can be embedded in UAVs for the automatic mapping of each problem. 

Keywords: Eucalyptus sp., Pathologies, UAVs, Image processing

Period: 2012 - nowadays


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