


LSEC (Laboratory of Critical Embedded Systems, an abbreviation for Laboratório de Sistemas Embarcados Críticos) aims the development of embedded systems technology for critical applications.

Critical embedded systems are computational embedded systems that may endanger high cost equipments and resources, as well as human lives. Typically, these systems operate under strong dependability requirements and efficient use of resources. In some cases, they also operate under real-time constraints.

The main LSEC’s research topic focus on intelligent embedded systems able to perform complex tasks autonomously. Apart from this, there are other research topics such as security, autonomous vehicles, operating systems, adaptive computing systems, control systems and sensor networks being developed. The current projects under development may be seen in details on [Research topics].

LSEC is a research laboratory of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science (ICMC) at University of São Paulo (USP) - Campus of São Carlos, SP, Brazil. It is also partner of the National Institute of Science and Technology in Critical Embedded Systems (INCT-SEC).

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